Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Yellow - Happy Juice - Happy Bell and Happier by Tal Ben-Shahar

Food: I am focused on eating raw high vibrational food for vibrant health  Drank it for breakfast(Blend: 1 c frozen pineapple, 1 banana, 1 mango, 1 c orange juice)
Fashion: Happiness is wearing an easy, comfortable yellow t-shirt dress on Monday and on Tuesday wearing a short, classic yellow A-line dress. Michaela Kors Spring 2011 collection (watch full show) 
Furnishings: A large colorful paining, in an unexpected place, like a large wall in your kitchen, can change the whole vibe. This colorful painting is from A Pilgrim's Breakfast.
Fitness: Working out at 5:00 am is part of my new morning (Optimum living) ritual! These are words I never thought I would utter, especially in the dead of winter when just getting out of bed would elicit my moans and groans. But Marvin, the trainer who trains, is a miracle worker. One arm kettle-bell swings were part of todays routine. Tone your arms - Grab a kettle-bell (here is a how-to) and start swinging while you watch TV or ruminate with roommates. No excuses!
Philosophy:  Is there a science to Happiness? Tal Ben-Shahar, teaches Harvard's most popular class called, Positive Psychology. He wrote the book, Happier. There are very specific things people can do each day that are proven to increase happiness: Tal Ben Shahar has spent his career studying them. He gave Big Think several practical happiness tips, including changing your calendar, buying a notebook, simplifying, and changing your approach to car parking. Some Happier tipsWatch this!!!   The Top 10 Big Ideas from Happier given by Brian Johnson.
*** Take the Harvard Positive Psychology Course Online!
I am watching the entire course:
Lecture 1:
Lecture 2:

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